Posts tagged ‘Flag’

Barrack Hussein Obama, Friend of William Ayers and Jeremiah Wright, Lectures America on Patriotism

Does it get any more bizzaro-world than this? Obama, the 20-year member of Trinity United, the man who was above wearing a flagpin, has the stones to lecture us on what it means to be patriotic?

As Bubba would say: Give.  Me  A.  Break.

This is the same guy who calls Reverend Wright a “great man… my mentor.” And who refers to William Ayers as a “scholar,” not a domestic terrorist.

And the lapdog media licks it all up.

After this. There is no question in my mind that this guy could snort blow on stage, while giving a  speech on the dangers of drugs, and still get a pass? Without quesiton.

Up next in this series: Leon Spinks to lecture on the importance of an education.

July 1, 2008 at 12:22 am Leave a comment


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